We value health, teamwork, sportsmanship, and physical fitness.
Students in all grades have Physical Education (PE) class twice a week. Students learn badminton, basketball, baseball, football, rugby, running, soccer, volleyball, and yoga just to name a few. Students also learn to make personal goals and are supported in reaching them. All skill levels and abilities are supported and hard work is a must!
Our new outdoor gym facility offers students a full-sized court to learn the fundamentals of sports, improve their physical fitness, and meet personal goals. The outdoor gym is equipped with a full-sized basketball court, full-sized volleyball court, indoor soccer-sized court.
Our weight room is fully equipped with weights, resistance equipment, cardio equipment, and a padded floor.
Boys and Girls Rugby
Rugby started at CAPS in 2015. We were one of the first schools on the island to organize a school team.
We’ve teamed up with the Curaçao Rugby Foundation (CRF) to learn from the best. They’ve also organized high school tournaments where CAPS students have had the opportunity to compete against and teacup with other student Rugby players in Curaçao.
Several of our students have gone on to join the Curaçao National Rugby team and have represented our school internationally. Their skill level, sportsmanship, and dedication model the pillars of our athletic program.
After-School Athletics
CAPS offers a variety of opportunities to engage with athletics after school. Based on student interest, competitive games and competitions will be organized.
For the 2019 – 2020 school year CAPS‘ students played competitive co-ed volleyball games and participated in a judo exhibition.